Wednesday, September 30, 2009

München, Deutschland

Oktoberfest is the biggest public festival in the world. The first was held in October of 1810, to honor the marriage of King Ludwig and Princess Therese. It has now turned into a 16 day excuse for the people of Germany and around the world to don the traditional German dress, Lederhosen for the men and Dirndl for the women, and drink unlimited amounts of beer for 16 days. The festival starts with a 12 gun salute as the first keg is tapped and the mayor shouts O’zaptf is! Which means It’s tapped.
Munich was basically the most beautiful city I have ever seen. Germany was so clean, cultural, and friendly. Also, the traffic lights turn yellow after red, but before green. How weird. Anyway, this festival really is a go big or go home type party. The berhalls open at 10:30 am and people start drinking ASAP. The rides are fun and the beer is basically the best I have ever tasted, which may not mean much, but considering it’s the only beer I have ever liked, maybe it does. I did learn a few things on the trip though.  Italians have this crazy pride that honestly becomes really annoying when they don’t like you the second they find out youre not from Italy. I did get asked on a few occasions if I was from Italy, which I guess is a bit amusing.
Imagine a room full of thousands of people, singing at the top of their lungs in German, dancing on the tables, huge mugs of beer in every person’s hand, while they slosh around their cups and laugh with their friends. It is the hottest and loudest environment I have ever been in, and I loved every second of it. At night things get crazy as the lights come on and the crazy drunken mass of people sing and dance in the streets just because. It was amazing. While nothing crazy happened to me, we all know it never really does, the whole thing was more fun than anyone can imagine.

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