At first I was beyond nervous and honestly questioned what was going through my head at the moment when I thought that I’d be totally ok jumping on a plane to spend 4 months across the ocean, but I think it was a good moment of insanity on my part. All of the stewards are British, which is sort of cool. I caught one off guard when I asked if it was regular coffee. He was like “Regular coffee?” He had no idea what I was trying to ask. Its weird how even though we speak the same language there’s still a communication barrier. The sky outside is the most beautiful I have ever seen it. It started as the typical sunset oranges, yellows, and reds, and turned into a gorgeous mix of typical sunset plus a royal blue, which made parts of it look green. Weird I know, but still pretty, anyway I cant wait to land and start this adventure for real.
When I actually got there, it was really confusing. Pilar is probably the nicest lady ever but she speaks so fast I can barely understand. Im sure Ill pick the language up quickly though, I already understand better than when I first got here.